20 Best Ways on How to Start Freelancing With No Experience

Freelancing can be a great way to make money, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re considering freelancing, or are already freelancing, here’s what you need to know. Freelancing is when you work for yourself rather than for an employer.

You can do this by working remotely or going out on your own and finding clients. Freelancing can be an excellent option for people who want more flexibility in their work or want to earn money on their terms. It can also be a perfect way to start your career or build your portfolio.

Who is a Freelancer?

Freelancers are people who are self-employed and work on a project-by-project basis. They are not necessarily in the same line of work for every project and may have multiple clients at once.

Freelancing can be a great way to start a new career or try a new industry. This article will guide you on starting freelancing with no experience, what you need, and where to go to get started.

How to Start Freelancing With No Experience

How to Start Freelancing With No Experience

Before we start, I must clarify one thing: Freelancing can be an enriching experience.

However, like any job (or commitment), you need to consider many things before you get started.

What are your goals? What kind of freelancer do you want to be? How will your lifestyle accommodate this process?

These are just a few questions that I urge you to go over in your head before starting any freelance business.

This is a great place to start if you need help determining what you want out of your freelancing business.

1. Have the Right Equipment

When starting as a freelance, you must have the right equipment to do the job. If you want to be successful as a freelancer, ensure you have what you need.

Here is a list of Equipment that you need to get started as a freelance

  • A computer
  • High-speed internet connection Some office space or desk
  • Pencils and pens and, most importantly:
  • Your portfolio.

2. Build an Online Portfolio

If you want to start freelancing with no experience, then the first thing that you will need is to build an online portfolio.

Your portfolio is the first impression a future client might have of your services, so make sure it looks professional and ready to impress! Your work does not have to be polished or complete – but having a lot of rough drafts for potential clients to look over can help you decide if working with you is the right fit.

3. Build a Network

Building a network is one of the best things you can do while starting.

Word of mouth is one of the best advertising methods for freelancers, so make sure you have a robust referral system before you start looking for clients on job boards. Building a solid network will ensure that your business has a steady flow of clients, so make sure you spend a lot of time on this.

4. Polish Up Your Skills

If you want to freelance, you must be good at your work.

If you are looking for ways to start freelancing without experience, try polishing up your skills first. Even though you might have many skills, there are bound to be some gaps in your knowledge that can make or break your sales.

Improving your skills will boost your confidence, increase productivity, and improve your work quality.

5. Keep Learning New Things

One of the most important things about freelancing is constantly learning new things. As technology changes drastically every year, you need to keep up with what is happening to stay relevant.

There are several resources that you can use to keep learning new things like;

  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Websites
  • Youtube
  • Online courses

You should constantly be educating yourself because if you stop learning, your potential for growth stops.

6. Choose a Niche

Choosing a niche for your freelance business is very important. It can be hard to start freelancing without experience because there are so many different services you could offer, but choosing one niche will allow you to hone your skills and become an expert. This will not only boost the quality of your work. It will also make it easier for clients to identify you and your services.

7. Start Small

If you want to freelance without experience, starting small is a great way to get off your feet without risking too much of the little capital you initially have.

You can start freelancing by working part-time or for a small number of clients.

Once you have a steady flow of money coming in, you can start expanding your client base and services.

8. Start with Your Local Market

Start marketing locally; this is a great way to get some experience under your belt. You can start by offering services like editing or proofreading in your local area. Getting started like this will allow you to build a network and gain valuable experience before attempting to branch out into the online market.

9. Reduce Your Charge From the Competitors

If you want to start freelance but have no experience, reducing your charge will be the best way to get started.

Figuring out the average rate for your services can help you identify where you are undercharging or overcharging. Once you have identified this, you can set up a plan that will allow you to balance your prices to align with industry standards.

10. Be Extremely Efficient

If you want to start freelancing without experience, then the best way to get your name out there is by being extremely efficient at what you do.

Having a high level of productivity will allow clients to see that they can rely on you, and it will also establish some excellent contractor/client relationships.

11. Build your Website

Build your Website

Building a website is extremely important if you want to start freelancing without experience because it will showcase your work.

To get clients, they have to see what services you offer and the kind of standard you uphold. Having a personal portfolio website will enable clients and potential clients to do this, allowing you to stand out amongst other freelancers.

12. Consider UpWork

Upwork is a great place to start if you don’t want to work for yourself or have trouble finding clients through your network or your website.

The best thing about Upwork is that it allows you to work for clients worldwide.

The downside is that Upwork takes quite a bit of commission, but it is still a great option if you want to start freelancing without experience and start making some money immediately.

13. Search Jobs with no Experience Criteria

If you want to start freelancing without experience, searching for jobs with no experience criteria is a great way to find work.

Searching for jobs like this will enable you to get your foot in the door and as well as to allow you to build up some confidence and also gain some clients.

14. Utilize Social Media

Social media is a great way to start freelancing if you are looking for some side income or want to stumble into some work immediately.

You need to take advantage of many different social media platforms, but the most important one is LinkedIn.  Also, consider participating in forums and emailing people whose business interests align with yours.

15. Be in the Right Place at the Right Time

Being in the right place at the right time is essential if you want to start freelancing without experience.

I mean that you may need to go where your target market is, which may mean that you need to relocate or start networking in specific areas.

If you are willing to do this, you should build up a steady flow of clients and even take on employees if needed.

16. Consider Interning

Interning is another excellent way to start freelancing with no experience because it will allow you to get your foot in the door and learn valuable skills.

Also, internships are usually low commitment, so you can always quit without any hassles if you don’t like them.

17. Take Advantage of Freebies

There are many opportunities where you can take advantage of freebies if you know about them.

For example, there are plenty of great conferences or seminars run by experts within your industry who will be willing to provide some information for free, which you can use later on.

18. Find What You’re Good At

Figuring out what you are good at is essential if you want to start freelancing with no experience because it will allow you to pick your niche.

If you want to be more general, that’s fine, but just know that there are pros and cons of being very specific within your industry vs. general.

19. Promote Yourself

You are the only one who can promote your work, so make sure you do!

Makeup business cards, email people about your work, or even run a social media campaign on your own.  There are many different things that you can do to promote yourself, and it will be well worth it when you get the rewards in the long term.

20. Learn From Your Mistakes


Finally, learning from your mistakes is very important when you are looking to start freelancing with no experience because you can use this knowledge in future projects, giving you an edge over others.  As well as this, by learning from your mistakes, you will notice that you are slowly becoming a better freelancer over time.

There are many different ways to start freelancing when you have no experience, but if you use these tips, you should be able to make some money quickly.  If you fail the first time, try again, and in no time, you will be making a total time income from freelancing.

In summary, if you are looking to start freelancing without experience, there are many different ways to do this.  Some of the main points were that you need to search for jobs with no experience, utilize social media, be in the right place at the right time and take advantage of freebies.

Also, consider taking part in internships, finding what you are good at, and promoting yourself, as this will all be instrumental in helping you to gain some clients.

Finally, make sure you learn from your mistakes because there is no point in making the same mistake twice! Overall, if you use these tips, it should not take long until you have a steady flow of clients and start freelancing full-time.

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About the author

Alicia Beth is a full-time blogger and founder of Cheklani Media. She loves reading, writing books, and being a mommy to her lovely little girl.

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